Ring of Honor joins forces with Chikara to present "Unity" from April 28th in Chicago Ridge, IL featuring The Briscoe Brothers vs. Jogsaw & Hallowicked for the World Tag Team Titles; Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team vs. Davey Richards & Kyle O'Reilly; Kevin Steen & Jimmy Jacobs vs. El Generico & BJ Whitmer, a six man tag with ROH vs. Chikara, The All Night Express vs. The House of Truth; plus more!
Jay Briscoe
Mark Briscoe
Charles Haas
Shelton Benjamin
Davey Richards
Kyle O'Reilly
Fire Ant
Green Ant
Soldier Ant
Adam Cole
Jay Lethal
BJ Whitmer
El Generico
Jimmy Jacobs
Kevin Steen
Harlem Bravado
Lancelot Bravado
Matt Jackson
Nick Jackson
Mike Bennett
Mike Sydal
Kenny King
Rhett Titus
Michael Elgin
Roderick Strong
Maria Kanellis