In '500 a noble Tuscan gives a banquet in which they are told bawdy stories: a cardinal tells dirty stories during a banquet that turns into a purge; a marquise is induced into temptation by an abbot; a tintora has carnal relations with a brother, and the two have a son; prisoner of Charles V , Francis I of France has a relationship with two Spanish and get an acquittal advance by the Pope; a group of cardinals contain a prostitute during a council; the Marquis Cavalcanti, rejected by the bride, vents his cravings with a syphilitic prostitute.
La marchesa Cavalcanti
La contessa Joselita Esteban De Fierro / Rosalia
Il granduca
La moglie del tintore
La granduchessa
Il marchese Cavalcanti / Il cardinale di Ragusa
Il vescovo di Coira
Il tesoriere del granduca
Il tessitore gobbo
Il frate Filippo
La damigella della granduchessa
Un aiutante in cucina del granduca
Il visconte di Turenna
L’incomparable Mademoiselle C.
A Beautiful Wife
God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness
Capturing Avatar
Road to Damascus
Winnie the Pooh: 123's
The Good Witch's Charm
Spanish Affair 2
A Very Potter Sequel
Dil Ke Jharoke Main
LEGO Hero Factory: Brain Attack
LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite
Original LanguageItalian
Production Companies