The feature length version of the serial by the same name. A mystical medicine arrow, the key to a lost gold treasure, is lost in one of many Indian attacks. It is recovered by the only two survivors, a Major and his daughter, who become the targets of those who wish to possess it. General George Armstrong Custer and army scout Kid Cardigan attempt to stop the ensuing war over the arrow, but fail in their efforts, which becomes the historic Custer's Last Stand.
Kit Cardigan / John C. Cardigan
Barbara Trent
Tom 'Keen' Blade
Gen. George A. Custer
Lt. . Frank Roberts
Belle Mead
Maj. Henry Trent MD
Bobby Trent
Buckskin - Scout
Yellow Wolf
Henchman Pete
James Fitzpatrick
Lt. Cook
Mrs. Elizabeth Custer
Chief Sitting Bull
Chief Crazy Horse
Chief Brown Fox
Judge Hooker
Red Fawn
Buffalo Bill / Henchman Barney
Sgt. Flanagan
Original LanguageEnglish
Production Companies