BirthdayApril 8, 1913 (111 years old)
Place of BirthAthens, Greece
We don't have a biography for Smaro Stefanidou.
Wedding like... Greek
Twenty Women and I
Three Ladies and me
Jealous like a Cat
Aristides and his Girls
Ο τρελός τα 'χει 400
Ο Γυναικάς
A Young Miss... Aged 39
A Patented Stupid Man
Δουλικό Αμέσου Δράσεως
One-Penny Youth
Santa Chikita
Woe to the Young
The 4 Stairs
The Tower of Knights
Kai oi tesseris itan yperohes
Οι τελευταίοι εγγονοί