BirthdayJune 6, 1874 (150 years old)
Place of BirthPigeon Cove, Massachusetts, USA
We don't have a biography for William Wadsworth.
The Cossack Whip
Rich Man, Poor Man
A Christmas Accident
Where Love Is
Cy Whittaker's Ward
The Light in Darkness
What Happened to Mary
White Mice
The Luck of Roaring Camp
The Last Sentence
Friends, Romans and Leo
Chris and His Wonderful Lamp
Barnaby Lee
Vanity Fair
A Serenade by Proxy
Thirty Days at Hard Labor
Bringing Home the Pup
The Right Number, But the Wrong House
Children of Eve
Everything Comes to Him Who Waits
A Proposal Under Difficulties
Over the Back Fence
The Title Cure
Cohen's Luck
How They Outwitted Father
Seven Deadly Sins: Envy