November 8, 1935 (89 years old)
Pyrgos, Ilia, Grece
Maria Dimitropoulou (Pyrgos, November 9, 1935), artistically known as Mary Linda, is a Greek folk music singer.
The Wise Guy
Three Ladies and me
Min eidate ton Panai?
Ο Καταφερτζής
My friend, Lefterakis
Φτωχαδάκια και Λεφτάδες
Laos and Kolonaki
I stole my wife
The Orgies Villa
Η περιπτερού
The one that didn't bend
Long live the poor children
Πράκτορες 005 Εναντίον Χρυσοπόδαρου
A Fool And A Hater