We don't have a biography for Boris Halmi.
Nechci nic slyšet
Blob to the Fairytale
Counting Sheep
Snowdrops and Aces
As Good as Poison
Etudes for Piano Students
How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives
Třetí patro
The Motive for Murder
As Good as Poison
Flying Saucers Over Our Village
Zlaté rybky
Proč nevěřit na zázraky
Ball Lightning
Nechci nic slyšet
Hon na kočku
The Hit
Run, Waiter, Run!
Blob to the Fairytale
Attention, Rounds!
Counting Sheep
Snowdrops and Aces
Nemocný bílý slon
Time of the Servants
Přátelé bermudského trojúhelníku