BirthdayDecember 31, 1933 (91 years old)
Place of BirthWilno, Polska (obecnie Litwa)
We don't have a biography for Jerzy Januszewicz.
Podróżni jak inni
Do domu
Król Maciuś I
Kwiat paproci
Her Return
Ga-ga: Glory to the Heroes
Soccer Poker
Controlled Conversations
A Jungle Book of Regulations
Where the Water Is Pure and the Grass Is Green
Zamach stanu
Album polski
Tysiąc talarów
Good Sins
Panny i wdowy
An Immoral Story
Hell and Heaven
Korn's Password
The Moonwalkers
Kochajmy syrenki
Pan Anatol szuka miliona
The Ring and the Rose
Dancing at Hitler's Headquarters
Man - Woman Wanted
Argument About Basia
Tydzień westchnień
Panny i wdowy
Polskie drogi
Departures, Returns