February 19, 2012
50 % of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By 2050 this will increase to 80%. Life in a mega city is both enchanting and problematic. Today we face peak oil, climate change, loneli...
December 31, 1963
Byzance uses a text by Stefan Zweig to describe the Ottoman conquest of the city in 1453. Before he turned to feature filmmaking in 1968 with Naked Childhood, Pialat worked on a series of sh...
December 31, 1963
All of Pialat's Turkish films are uniquely interested in the country — especially Istanbul — as it was, not just as it is at the precise moment that Pialat is filming it. History informs the...
April 24, 2014
One billion people on our planet—one in six—live in shantytowns, slums or squats. Slums: Cities of Tomorrow challenges conventional thinking to propose that slums are in fact the solution, n...
May 31, 2022
The film Together we cycle investigates the critical events that has led to the revival of the Dutch cycling culture. For most people, cycling in the Netherlands, seems a natural phenomenon....
February 5, 2017
A documentation about the reconstruction and destruction of german cities after the 2nd World War....
December 31, 1922
A film about the Veluwe region of the Netherlands, by the director of the Gemeentelijke Schoolbioscoop in Rotterdam. We see detailed images of villages, towns, moors, streams, ponds, poultry...
December 31, 1990
A short documentary about the works of Cassiano Branco, a modernist architect from Portugal...