An abandoned factory is the haunt of prostitutes, pimps, thieves and derelicts. But on of these down and outs has an unusual past: as director of a "progressive" prison, he encourages his detainees to pursue complete sexual satisfaction to ease the trauma of their incarceration. He narrates his story in all its sizzling erotic detail. Nothing is left to the imagination as a national scandal erupts before our very eyes!
Open Season 3
The Wolf of Wall Street
Licence to Kill
Miller's Crossing
True Grit
The Science of Sleep
Born to Race: Fast Track
Vivre Sa Vie
Lions for Lambs
Cool Hand Luke
Marvin's Room
Remember Me, My Love
Police Academy 6: City Under Siege
Green Street Hooligans 2
Decalogue II
Natale sul Nilo
2 Days in Paris
Original LanguageItalian
Production Companies