BirthdayApril 27, 1932 (92 years old)
Place of BirthLeningrad, RSFSR, USSR
We don't have a biography for Yuri Volyntsev.
Shares in Murder
The Snowmen
Бесстрашный атаман
Товарищ генерал
Nevermind The Grief
Мой избранник
The Magic Lantern
Дорогое удовольствие
Kreutzer Sonata
Water Lily
The Hares Scared the Little Bunny
Valuable Parcel
Free Tyrant
Companion of Caviar
Good Forest
Лесные сказки
Family is Like Family
The Smallest Gnome
The Little Witch
Byelorussian Station
Power Porridge
Funny People!
Richard III
Kremlin Courier
Laughter and Grief by the White Sea
The Picture of Dorian Gray
There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
Ясь и Янина
Thirteenth Chairman
The Man with the Gun
Under the Chestnut Trees of Prague
The Magic Ring
Once Upon a Time
The Morning Round
The Roundabout
The Secret of the Third Planet
Two Tickets to India
The Dog in Boots
The New Aladdin
Ilya Muromets and Highwayman Nightingale
Circus in the Circus
Nylon 100%
Time, Forward!
Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man
Across Rus'
Поездка через город
Devil With a Briefcase
Мещанин во дворянстве
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Неуловимый фунтик
Фунтик и сыщики
Фунтик и старушка с усами
Фунтик в цирке
Anna Karenina
About a Puppy
These are miracles
Ladies and Hussars
A Span of Land
The Hat
Escape of Mr. McKinley
Fate Plays with a Man
The Secret Agent's Blunder
The Paradise Apples
The Rain
The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks
The Girl and the Bear
The First Autograph
Homeless House-Elves
The Selfish Giant
Magic Cure
What Sound Does a Mosquito Make?
How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas
As If
Котёнок по имени Гав
Priklyucheniya porosenka Funtika
Алиса в Зазеркалье
Самый маленький гном