BirthdayJune 9, 1951 (73 years old)
Place of BirthSão Paulo, Brazil
Laerte Coutinho, known mainly as simply Laerte, is a Brazilian cartoonist, comic strip artist and screenwriter. Assigned male at birth, she came out in 2009 as a crossdresser and later as a transgender woman. Laerte has collaborated with several publications such as Balão, O Pasquim, and Chiclete com Banana magazines and draws regularly for Folha de S. Paulo newspaper. She has created several comic strip characters, such as Piratas do Tietê (The Pirates of Tietê River). Since the mid 2000s, Laerte's strips became more philosophical and less humour-focused, abandoning fixed characters.
Mapas Afetivos: São Paulo
Bob Spit: We Do Not Like People
Legs Out
Laughter of Others
Consideração do Poema
Malditos Cartunistas
Tie and Red Nail
Três Irmãos de Sangue
Cartas da Mãe
Lampião da Esquina: Lighting Up Brazilian Press
Casa da Xiclet
Dossiê Rê Bordosa
A Turma do Pererê.DOC
The City of Pirates
Rindo à Toa: Humor Sem Limites
Super Oldboy
Minha Bateria Está Fraca e Está Ficando Tarde
Transando com Laerte