The Righteous Fists (2022) - More Movies

The Righteous Fists (2022)

2022-01-10 Drama, Mystery, Action & Adventure, 0h 42m

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In the 1930s, Bo Ching-wan and his family have come to crime infested Tong Yan Street in Bangkok. His father Bo Tin-ha tragically dies after he has teamed up with Lin Chun-shan to rebel against Lo Heung-tung. Ching-wan’s younger brother and sister have also gone missing. His mother Ting Sai-fung has become emotionally unstable. Twenty-five years later, Ching-wan sets foot in Tong Yan Street again and encounters a swindler called Chin Chin-chin. Chun-shan’s son Lin Gik turns out to be a corrupt cop. His colluding partners Pang Kin and Kam Lung are bosses of the two most notorious gangs. Pang Kin’s only son returns to Bangkok with his fiancée Ching On-na. However, he is assassinated, causing the two gangs to clash with each other. Ching-wan establishes Overseas Chinese Society of Bangkok. Ching-wan and his partners encourage good deeds and punish the baddies. The Society is in disarray as it repeatedly faces up to difficulties. There is still a long way to go before the chums find peace.



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