Set before his pyrotechnic rise to stardom, (M.C.) Hammer is still Stanley Kirk Burrell, helping kids at the local community center and dreaming of making it big as a rap music star. When some "magic dancing shoes" step into his life, Stanley is transformed into HAMMERMAN - the first musical superhero!
Hammerman/Stanley Burrell
Hammerman/Stanley Burrell (voice)
September 6, 1991 | 13 Episodes
Descendants of the Sun
Dragon Ball GT
The Originals
Noble, My Love
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
My Love From Another Star
The Seven Deadly Sins
Beating Again
The Game of Keys
Search: WWW
Oh My Venus
My Secret Romance
Star Wars Rebels
Are You Human?
Yo Soy Franky
Yo soy Betty, la fea