Exposing the parental-paradox that it is possible, in the very same moment, to love your child to the horizon of the universe, while being apoplectically angry enough to want to send them there.
Paul Worsley
Ally Grant
Luke Worsley
Ava Worsley
March 1, 2020 | 10 Episodes
March 21, 2021 | 10 Episodes
Time has moved on in Season 2. Luke is now 13 years old and Ava is 10, serving up brand new parenting challenges for Paul and Ally. Luke’s increasing anxiety and Ava’s growing independence a...
May 8, 2022 | 10 Episodes
Season 3 starts days after Season 2 ended. Paul has moved out and is staying at Leah’s house. He should be lonely, but the simpler life has its appeal. Eventually, though, amends with Luke m...
July 30, 2023 | 10 Episodes
Five years since we last saw the Worsley family, season four brings the biggest parenting challenge that Paul and Ally have ever faced, as 18-year-old Luke drops a bombshell at Christmas din...